Friday, July 6, 2012

Week one, summer 2012: check

Alright so we still have this evening and a Saturday left in week ONE of our summer vacation, but basically we are a week into relaxing...most of us anyways. (Hubby is still working his usual amount of ridiculous hours!) The rest of us have been enjoying sleeping in. Tommy's got the record so far, since he stayed in bed this morning until 9:30. Wish I could have joined him since the other munchkin crawled in with me an hour earlier. Still, even waking up at 8:00 like I did Tuesday, felt awesome!
We've thrown two clothes pins into our summer bucket. A visit to Nana and Papa's was fun, (#1) got to see our cousins, my grandma, and several aunts an uncles. Emma and Tommy have cousins a year older than them  At 5, 4, 3, and 2 years old there was a bit of screaming going on and in between we heard bouts of "You're a coconut."
After everyone left we got out the old sparklers (#2) and had some fun trying to get as many going at one time as possible. Unfortunately, we have missed fireworks the last several years by leaving Canada around the first and being out of Michigan before the fourth. It was another bummer in that department again this year, but it was certainly nice to spend time with family and have a few days to totally relax.
Keeping with the spirit of summer, I tried to keep the rest of our week at home pretty low key. We painted every morning and managed a swim after lunch. One day we went to the river to swim, another day at our new kiddie pool courtesy of aunt Michelle, and another we got invited over for a swim and picnic at a friend's pool. We also took naps, yes I even laid down one day for an hour, and went to watch brad play baseball.
It was nice to have a mix of fun stuff to do, but still get some work done too!

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